(for endorsed chaplains)

This is course provides FG endorsed and prospective chaplains with detailed instruction of the history and vision of their endorser, pre-endorsement requirements of their endorser and the expectations of endorsed chaplains.

(open to all)

This course provides a biblical foundation to understanding ethics as it relates to ministry and professional chaplaincy (this is a required course for endorsed chaplains)

(open to all)

This course provides endorsed FGBCFI chaplains detailed instruction in the ethics policies of their endorser.

(open to all)

This course provides practical instruction and useful strategies in self-care to improve the quality of physical, mental, and spiritual health.

(for all Full Gospel clergy who are interested in professional chaplaincy)

This course provides participants an introduction to the academic and ministerial requirements for professional chaplaincy, as well as the professional options, and opportunities available in professional chaplaincy.

(for chaplains)

This course provides chaplains practical hands-on instruction to analyze the current trends in professional chaplaincy with the goal of strategizing to improve the potential of success in selecting as well as advancing in professional chaplaincy positions.